Checking for Windows updates

0 votes
by (120 points)
How do I check if my PC needs a Windows update?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (600 points)
In order to find Windows updates, locate the search box and type ’Windows update’. From the options that display, select ‘check for updates’. For updating the optional features, ‘view optional updates’ followed by ‘driver updates’ can be clicked if any driver hardware is out of date to enhance PC performance.
by (110 points)
bro i love you when i checked if I had any updates u had like 10 updates thank you so much!!!
by (100 points)
I only did the update thing and my computer works 10x faster thank you man
by (100 points)
I had like 80 things that weren’t updated thanks man
by (100 points)
Very helpful. Was thinking I'd have to get a new computer but no. Turns out my firmware just needed an update.
by (110 points)
ALWAYS research what the Updates do before you install them. Always check for Updates that might violate your privacy.
by (100 points)
OMG! I never knew about the optional driver updates!!! TY
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