Warm up: 2-3 mins of brisk walking, plus a few dynamic stretches (a few arm swings and leg swings).
Dumbbell press, 2 sets: 1 set for strength (4-6 reps) and 1 set for hypertrophy (8-10 reps).
Dumbbell deadlift: 2 sets of 8-10 reps.
Lat machine: 2 sets of 10-12 reps (1st set with an overhand middle grip, 2nd set with an underhand close grip), plus a super set of bicep curl.
Quads: 1 set of 8-10 reps.
Get to failure, or at least within 1 rep of failure.
Triceps: 1 set of 12-15 reps + 1 dropset (drop 30-40% of the weight).
Lateral shoulder raises: 1 set of 12-15 reps as long as you're taking the muscle to failure with good form, the fibers will be maximally recruited. After reaching failure, drop the weight by 30-40% and go to failure again to really finish the fibers off.
Calf leg press: 1 set of 12-15 reps, and once again, after reaching failure, drop the weight by 30-40% and go to failure again. Keep good form, don't bounce on the dropset.
Hack squat: 1 set x 4-6, 1 set x 8-10. For barbell back squats, he would need warm-up sets, before his working sets, while for hack squats he only needs warm-up sets. Push through your heels. He rests for about 3 minutes after the strength set. For the hypertrophy set, you want to control the negative more, you want to have a better mind-muscle connection rather than just moving the weight.
High incline chest press + row superset: 2 sets each x 10-12. These 2 exercises will also hit the upper chest and the rear delts. Even though it's a superset, he will still rest in between sets to catch his breath.
Leg curl: 1 set x 10-12 reps + dropset. Since we're only doing 1 set, we're taking it all the way to failure, then dropping the weight back by 30-40%, and going to failure again.
Bicep curl: 1 set x 10-15 reps to failure + as many myoreps as we can (aka rest for 3-4 seconds and do another 4 reps. Once we cannot do 4 reps this way, the set is done).
Remember that it isn't until near the very end of a set, that reps become maximally hypertrophic
Cable crunches (abs): 1 set x 12-15 reps to failure, then 2 dropsets (drop the weight by about 30% and go to failure, then drop the weight by another 20-30% and go failure again).