What is the technique for performing a dumbbell Romanian deadlift?

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by (120 points)
Could anyone preferentially elucidate the istechnique for executing dumbbell romainian deadlift?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (520 points)
In the case of a dumbbell Romanian deadlift (RDL) the technique consists of first allowing the controlled’ ‘marchette’ the load. Focus should not be given in the sense of bringing the weight down so that neat attempts are made to bring it to the floor. Instead the hips should be pushed back and the dumbbells allowed to naturally drop in a straight line. As soon as you feel a strong stretch at the back of your legs, you can reverse the motion, while maintaining a neutral position in your lower back. In order to keep recommending a gentle rhythm even in this motion, do not push the lockout at the top for bringing the strain on the hamstrings. However, for those who wanted to work hard on glutes more, the hips can be locked at the top and the glutes can be squeezed together. If it it’s a problem to hold then using straps can take care of it as well.
by (110 points)
Out of curiosity. On the RDL, are those 50lbs or 50kg dumbbells ? edit: wait... for the dumbbell press you have 2x "100" so i must assume it's pounds... unless you casually bench press 200kg
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