What benefits can I derive from including overhead triceps extensions in my routine?

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by (120 points)
I have heard that over-head tricep extensions work better than press downs. Why is that the case?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (520 points)
Ottava extensions could be preferred over press downs as they might induce greater muscle activation. Hypertrophy of muscles involved in overhead extensions was found to be 40% greater than that of those involved with press downs in a 2022 study when both were performed at the same volume: overhead extensions placing greater stretch on the triceps during the movement. Given that you have time to do one tricep isolation exercise, it is better to do overhead tricep extensions than press downs.
by (110 points)
Day 1.
 1. Flat dumbbell press
    4-6 Heavy
    8-10 light
2. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts
     8-10 reps
3. Latpulldown 2 sets
    Overhand middle grip
    Underhanded close grip
    Overhead bicep curls - 1 set
4. 1 Quad movement involving glutes
5. Overhead tricep 12-15 reps with drop
6. Side laterals 12-15 reps with drop
7. 1 set 12-15 reps of calves raises with failure

Day 2
1. Hack sqaut/ Squats
    4-6 reps heavy weight moving weigh up with heels
    10-12 reps light weight controlled negative

2. 10-12 reps high inclined smith press closed grip antagonist supersetted with chest supported rows with rest with 2 grips

3. 10-12 reps seated hamstring curls leaning forward with drop set both till failure

4. 12-15 reps ez bar curls, lose grip for less forearm with mayo (4) reps, focus on squeezing biceps with pinky

5. 12-15 reps cable crunches with double drop set, fully round back with cable on head top
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