Day 1.
1. Flat dumbbell press
4-6 Heavy
8-10 light
2. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts
8-10 reps
3. Latpulldown 2 sets
Overhand middle grip
Underhanded close grip
Overhead bicep curls - 1 set
4. 1 Quad movement involving glutes
5. Overhead tricep 12-15 reps with drop
6. Side laterals 12-15 reps with drop
7. 1 set 12-15 reps of calves raises with failure
Day 2
1. Hack sqaut/ Squats
4-6 reps heavy weight moving weigh up with heels
10-12 reps light weight controlled negative
2. 10-12 reps high inclined smith press closed grip antagonist supersetted with chest supported rows with rest with 2 grips
3. 10-12 reps seated hamstring curls leaning forward with drop set both till failure
4. 12-15 reps ez bar curls, lose grip for less forearm with mayo (4) reps, focus on squeezing biceps with pinky
5. 12-15 reps cable crunches with double drop set, fully round back with cable on head top