What are some ways to relax through music?

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by (120 points)
In what ways can listening to music have a positive impact on outcomes associated with stress management rehabilitation?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (480 points)
Relaxing can also be done by listening to your favorite songs. There are various ways in which you can enjoy music, you can increase the volume of the music and dance or sing along or else you can put on headphones and close your eyes to concentrate on the music. Try out picking out a certain instrument, try hearing a drumbeat, or following a certain beat. It can be very reassuring to allow the mind to wander as one focuses on the music.
by (100 points)
I have a mental relaxation place...its based my favourite place to be in Cornwall which is a relaxing place to think of in itself...

but in my mind I imagine white and coloured fairy lights  tealights, candles and hang stained glass panel from the trees and imagine the candle light shining through them...

I imagine sound of bird song (especially seagull and robins and blackbirds) and running water of the stream...

I imagine the cool breeze on my face and in my hair...and hear it in the trees...I observe an imaginary sunset with the purples and yellows oranges and blues in the sky...

I hear the odd train in the distance chugging gently over the tracks...the distant laughter of children...I can smell the trees and the blossom but also try to imagine my favourite purfumes and scented shampoo.

I just build up a picture of things that I find to be beautiful in nature and in life.
by (110 points)
#9 dont listen to that voice or music
by (100 points)
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