Is it possible to gain the benefits of psilocybin without undergoing hallucinations?

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by (120 points)
Does the use of psilocybin to gain any benefits hold true despite the lack of hallucinations?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (360 points)
Scientists are looking into this option by means of microdosing, which is the practice of consuming a small quantity of a psychedelic substance such that the amount taken does not cause any hallucinations but is presumed to elevate one’s mood. Furthermore, scientists are also studying the activity of psilocybin-like compounds that do not induce hallucinations but are 5-HT2A receptor antagonists, which could be useful as antidepressants with no high. One such study claims that the very feeling of “tripping” may be quite a therapeutic experience itself and that more substance means a better therapeutic outcome; therefore, it remains to be seen whether such non-hallucinogenic alternatives stand any chance of being successful. These techniques need more clinical evidence to ascertain their safety and efficacy.
by (110 points)
I'm not sure a tripless psychedelic would work, in my experience it's that altered state and how you interact with your own mind while in it that helps you process things that the depression is blocking you from doing that give you the lasting benefit, it's like it's forcing you to face what's making you depressed and find a way to deal with it yourself rather than just altering your brain chemistry to make it easier to function like anti-depressants do
by (100 points)
The answer is you might get a "different benefit" from "tripless" psychedelics, but the psychedelic experience of the trip is the point of how psychedelics benefit you. It's not just the "effects", it's the experience that is transformational. This is the biggest problem with medicine today, it thinks we are just a machine lacking proper chemistry, rather than a conscious, experiencing, perceptive organism capable of intrapersonal and interpersonal transformation
by (110 points)
Love how every time we find something wonderful and magical we try to change everything about it so it’s just some weird pill you take without a trip. Lol
by (100 points)
As someone who microdoses psilocybin mushrooms every other day, I can affirm it’s absolutely amazing. I’m glad Colorado has changed their stance on mushrooms and you can buy spores legally.
by (100 points)
Microdosing 2 days on 1 day off with a dose of .15 grams has really helped me with my anxiety. It was a completely unexpected effect, but it was a drastic one
ago by (100 points)
I've never experienced hallucinations from psylacibin, only a strong sense of nostalgia, feeling like a kid again
ago by (100 points)
I think the trip is neccessary. I've only done psychedelics a handful of times, but they have been very helpful. I think the challenges you experience are important because you are forced to overcome whatever issue it is, and that ability translates to real life, at least in my experience. I am sure this is common, but one of the first paranoid thoughts I had was, "what if I am stuck like this." In the tripping state I was able to accept that if it were so, I would just have to figure it out. I think accepting that you don't have control of a situation allows you to find what you do have control over.
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